A Q&A With Captain Kristin "BEO" Wolfe


Hello again all, for this Q&A, I got the chance to talk to the current USAF Lockheed Martin F-35A Demo Team Pilot, Capt Kristin "BEO" Wolfe. Enjoy!

1) What made you want to join the Air Force?

Answer: Halfway through college I decided I didn't want to pursue an engineering career, and the military seemed like the perfect fit. I really enjoy how each day on the job is different depending on what mission you're flying. 

2) What is your favourite moment/experience you've had flying? 

Answer: I love getting to land at new airports and experience new cities and countries. I also love the vastly different views we get to experience while flying. 

3) What is your worst moment/experience you've had flying?

Answer: Luckily, I haven't had many serious emergencies in any military aircraft I've flown. My least favourite experience is probably re-joining with a tanker at night with bad weather around.

4) What is your favourite plane and why?

Answer: If I could own a plane it would have to be the T-6, because it's a fun aircraft that can do awesome aerobatics but also fly 2 people to cool places for the weekends.

5) Which plane would you like to fly of you didn't fly the F-35?

Answer: I would love the chance to fly the A-10, mostly just to get to shoot the 30mm gun!

I'd like to thank BEO for agreeing to answer the questions for me! 

Hope you enjoyed this one and see you all next Monday for another Q&A!


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